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King Kraken - Chainsaw Saviour
Chainsaw Saviour - Our first single!, from the forthcoming second album, “March Of The Gods”. We have always had a love for horror, lyrically wise, but we have never done zombies!. Filmed by jay hillyer ‪@CBJSVIDEOS‬ in the heart of the Welsh valleys, the mountains of Pontypridd to be exact, where we all let our creative juices flow. Massive thanks to the ladies from ‪@ColegyCymoedd‬ for all their assistance with the make up of the zombies, massive love to Peter Lewis, Ben and Maria, Catherine Weaver and Chris Willcock, Peter Mayer and his son, Steve Evs, Ceri, River, Greyson, Lydia, and Alex and Lottie for being zombies for the day, with another shout out to Dean and Sarah for the venue and their hospitality. CHAINSAW SAVIOUR LYRICS Reading from the pages That you don’t understand Unseen evil drawing close A cancer in this land Take over your mortal soul All must obey As light drains from this empty world Hell will rule the day Chainsaw saviour Enemy of the dead Unleash demons from below From the book you read One man stands to fight them all And send them back to hell Cleave through hordes, hail to the king A deafening death knell Flesh bound terror now released And blood inked word is law This one armed chainsaw wielding maniac Comes to save us all PRODUCED BY ‪@longwaveromesh‬ ENGINEERED BY ROMESH DODANGODA, TOM CORY & TIM VINCENT ASSISTANT ENGINEER: JORDAN POWELL MIXED & MASTERED BY ROMESH DODANGODA RECORDED AT LONG WAVE RECORDING STUDIOS, CARDIFF

King Kraken

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