Fuel Our Movement

Thank you for supporting the March For Our Lives Action Fund! Grassroots supporters like you are the backbone of our youth-led movement.


Because of your support, we have grown into one of the largest youth-led movements in the country, elected the first Gen-Z Congressmember, secured key legislative victories such as the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, delivered historic youth turnout at the polls, and so much more. This year, we're fighting even harder for gun safety legislation at every turn and demanding young people's voices are heard!


Your contribution will benefit March For Our Lives Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Contributions or gifts to March for Our Lives Action Fund are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.


Questions? Read our FAQ site here.  If you have a question that is not answered here please feel free to reach us at donations@marchforourlives.com.


You can also mail donations to:
March For Our Lives
c/o Director of Development
P.O. Box 3417
New York, NY 10008


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Employer Matching

Enter your work email address to determine if your gift is eligible to be matched by your employer. If your donation is eligible, you will receive an email from CyberGrants with details about how to request a matching gift from your employer. Please be sure to check your spam folder! If you do not receive an email from CyberGrants but believe your employer does match contributions, it's likely they use another platform to make their gifts. Please contact your employer directly for more information. 

Please note, you are currently donating to a 501c4, March For Our Lives Action Fund, where donations are not tax deductible. Some employers match gifts made to this type of entity, but others only approve matching gifts for 501c3 organizations. We do have a 501c3, March For Our Lives Foundation, and gifts made there are tax deductible. If your employer only matches gifts made to 501c3 organizations, please click here to visit a donation page where your donation will be tax deductible and eligible for a match! 

If you're unsure, we suggest reaching out to your company's HR or Accounting Department. For questions about our work and these two philanthropic entities, please email us at donations@marchforourlives.com. 

Thank you!


Your contribution will benefit March For Our Lives Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Contributions or gifts to March for Our Lives Action Fund are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.

You can also mail donations to:
March For Our Lives
c/o Director of Development
P.O. Box 3417
New York, NY 10008