EP『ぶっちぎり東京』より、リード曲「いとをかしMyType」MV公開🔥 <商品概要> EP『ぶっちぎり東京』2024.12.04 OUT! 【初回生産限定盤】ESCL-6033~4¥5,000(tax in) 【通常盤】ESCL-6035 ¥2,000(tax in) ▼CDの購入はこちら! https://erj.lnk.to/SM5nDF ▼配信・DLはこちら! https://hanabie.lnk.to/BucchigiriTokyo ▼特設サイト https://hanabie.jp/BucchigiriTokyo/ ≪CD≫ M1 ぶっちぎり東京 M2 メタ盛るフォーゼ! M3 O・TA・KU ラブリー伝説 M4 GAMBLER M5 いとをかし My Type M6 ボーナス☆ぎるてぃたいむ ≪BD≫ 〜初回生産限定盤付属Blu-ray収録〜 花冷え。Pre. 「春の大解放祭 2024」 NEET GAME SUNRISE 味噌SOUP 我甘党 今年こそギャル〜初夏ver.〜 Warning!! O•TA•KUラブリー伝説 GIRL's TALK 令和マッチング世代 TOUSOU お先に失礼します。 Today's Good Day & So Epic Want to TIE-UP 🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥 <Music Video Staff Credit> Director : Takuya Oyama (VANLI) Director of Photography : Kenji Watanabe 1st Camera Assistant : Ran Fujisawa 2nd Camera Assistant:Yuta Naruse(SPICE) Lighting Director : Makito Kaji 1st Lighting Assistant : Taro Horide 2nd Lighting Assistant : Jun Adachi, Yu Takamatsu Stylist : Nozomi Kenmochi Hair & Make-up : Erika Yoshida, IKUYO, Phoebe Lin, Miki Sato Choreographer : Suichu-megane∞ Dancer : Yui Enomoto , Kim Aeju, MOE KAWANO, tomoki, Nakagawa Ayane, Shiori Hirata Mask: Kokoro Shukunobe, Saori Innami, Karin Takema CG/VFX : LYO (KRoneZ Inc.) CG/VFX Producer : Yuma Sano (KRoneZ Inc.) Transporter : Grace, Yuya Amano Producer : Mao Suzuki (P.I.C.S.) Production Manager : Risa Tomono(P.I.C.S.) ProductionAssistant : Ren Wakayama(P.I.C.S.), Rikuto Sugita(P.I.C.S.), Shogo Otake, Hiroyuki Kishimoto Production : P.I.C.S. 撮影地 : 玉敷神社 〒347-0105 埼玉県加須市騎西552−1 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Lyrics&Music:Matsuri, Yukina Arrangement:LASTorder & Matsuri Mixing:MEG (MEGMETAL) ▶︎Lyrics◀︎ 四六時中インターネット 内緒よ? 心の中知りたいな 自分に夢中! たった4文字 皆、構想中 令和に広がる 分類旋風 16TYPES! あいやそれそれ 16TYPES! あいやそれそれ 待って気になる ミーハー連中 ねえ、本当に当たるの?選別中... 16TYPES! 16TYPES! 自己分析しないと生きるのむずい 失敗したくない、超完璧主義 山積み質問答えて それそれ! 己と向き合う構えで それゆけ! みんなカテゴライズ EとかIとか 十人十色でしょ 魅力、手にして 追いかけるブーム ネットの虜よ 使いこなすミーム 画面とにらめっこ Our mind Never mind I want to know my own TYPE 16TYPES 16TYPES I want to know your own TYPE 16TYPES Crazy TYPE たった一言 皆、混乱中 まるわかりの 診断点数 16TYPE! あいやそれそれ 16TYPE! あいやそれそれ うちら仲介者 論理学者 指揮官 領事 16TYPES! 16TYPES! 現代人!皆、いとをかし♡ 制限時間に収めて それそれ! 迷わず回答進めて それそれ! 己に向き合い冷や汗 やれやれ~ みんなでチルタイム TとかFとか 縦横無尽で良い 理想、手にして 繰り返すループ ネットの虜よ 生み出してニーズ 画面とにらめっこ Our mind Never mind Our mind Never mind ▶︎English Lyrics◀︎ On the Internet 24/7 On the QT, okay? Want to know what's inside the mind I'm obsessed with myself! Just four letters make everyone envision A whirlwind of classification spreads in the Reiwa era 16TYPES! Aye, yah, so let's, so let's 16TYPES! Aye, yah, so let's, so let's Wait, I'm curious about the bandwagoners Hey, is it really accurate? Selecting now… 16TYPES! 16TYPES! Need self analysis to navigate this difficult life Don't want to be a failure, I'm a super-perfectionist Answer a pile of questions - So let's, so let's! Get ready to reflect on yourself - Now let's go! Everyone is categorized in types like E and I As different as one's fingertips Have charms in your own right Chasing the boom I'm a prizoner of cyberspace I'm a meme wizard staring at the screen Our mind Never mind I want to know my own TYPE 16TYPES 16TYPES I want to know your own TYPE 16TYPES Crazy TYPE Just one word makes everyone confused Diagnosis scores are obvious 16TYPES! Aye, yah, so let's, so let's 16TYPES! Aye, yah, so let's, so let's We are Mediator, Logician, Commander, and Consul 16TYPES! 16TYPES! Modern human! Everyone's so enchanting ♡ Get it done within the time limit - So let's, so let's! Don't hesitate; go on with the answers - So let's, so let's! Reflecting on yourself brings cold sweat - Oh my… (Hey, what's your type?) (Um, let's see… IN… hey, what was it? That type, INT… Oh no, too hard to remember!) Chilling out with everyone T or F or… It's okay to be freewheeling Have the ideal in your hands The loop repeats I'm a prizoner of cyberspace Generating the needs and staring at the screen Our mind Never mind Our mind Never mind #hanabie #harajukucore #metal +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 花冷え。 (Vo.ユキナ・Gt./Vo.マツリ・Ba./cho. ヘッツ・Dr.チカ) HANABIE. (Yukina, Matsuri, Hettsu & Chika) Officialsite:https://hanabie.jp/ X:https://twitter.com/ha_na_bie_ instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ha_na_bie_/ TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@hanabie.official +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++